Educational Stages | Institució Familiar d'Educació
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Educational Stages

A good academic preparation is essential to prepare your future with guarantees.



By following the 4 major challenges set out in Aude!, we have constructed learning environments that are wide enough in scope to allow discovery and learning to be compatible with the rigours of a well-thought-out education. In this way, students can follow a learning path at their own pace, using their senses, emotions, social skills and values.

The teaching methodology in preschool stage is therefore built around 4 main pillars:

  • A model for students to imitate: we present the youngest students with stimuli, knowledge and situations that can help them learn by observing and imitating the model given to them. 
  • Opportunities to put the model into practice: repeating, practising and rehearsing are the three main activities used during this learning process.
  • A stimulating environment: designed to provide a safe, stimulating, attractive, exciting, socially enriching environment that is coherent and familiar to the students.
  • Positive recognition: a climate of optimism and trust, which reinforces positive aspects by encouraging, congratulating and motivating students to help build up their self-esteem.



We have developed several specific programmes, which are implemented from the preschool stage, to thoroughly explore each area of development and knowledge set out in the Aude! strategic plan. These programmes are continued in the other stages of education and provide a map for the projects carried out at Institució schools:

  • Creativity: We understand creativity as the capacity to create for oneself and/or with others. Our approach is to offer students an environment where they can deal with any situation creatively and independently.
  • Cooperation: Aixa has introduced cooperative learning into all of its classrooms, resulting in a change in the way activities are organized and in class dynamics that facilitates the learning process of each student in all areas of their education.
  • Multilingualism: from the youngest ages we work so that our students learn how to communicate, grow, relate, share and exchange using the vehicular languages of Catalan, Spanish and English.
  • Values: the school, teachers and parents have to be able to create situations in which the students can develop and share values such as friendship, caring, companionship and goodwill.


We work to pursue the projects initiated in the preschool stage so that, by acquiring new skills and knowledge, our students continue to develop both academically and as people. 

The purpose of primary education is to prepare students to come up with innovative solutions in a changing and constantly evolving society. Children must learn to think and act in a way that takes into consideration how different aspects of learning are interconnected and related to each other. 

We must promote across all areas the acquisition of habits and values to solve problems and situations arising in any of the areas of the curriculum, we must encourage the use of initiative and creativity, a critical spirit and a desire for learning and we must help students develop their capacity for effort and promote a culture of work.



Putting the acquired skills into practice and discovering one's own talents are the two key factors in this stage where our students commence their journey towards university.

This stage of compulsory secondary education provides all boys and girls with an education that allows them to ensure solid personal development, acquire cultural and social skills related to oral expression and comprehension, writing, calculation and problem solving in everyday life. It also contributes to educating students in equal rights and opportunities, personal autonomy, co-responsibility and personal interdependence and in understanding basic scientific, social and cultural aspects of the world we live in. 

Compulsory secondary education guarantees real equality of opportunity so that all students at this stage can develop their individual, social, intellectual, artistic, cultural and emotional capabilities.



In their last years at school, we want our students to reach their full potential through hard work and working together as a team, so that they can have complete freedom in making professional choices for the future. 

At Institució we are aware that as parents you trust us so that, above all else, your children will become well-rounded people, caring citizens and competent professionals, capable of making the world in which we live a better place through their professional work.

That is why we want to help students during their last stage at school in choosing what to study and deciding their future.




English has to be a friendly language and present in everyday life. In our schools, we've ceased to see English as a subject to set this language as a natural vehicle for daily communication in school, in other subjects, presentations, conferences... 

Educational Stages
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